Materials to Read and Watch

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Kurzus: History: Russia in Revolution
Könyv: Materials to Read and Watch
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Dátum: 2024. szeptember 20., péntek, 03:39


A book of suggested novels, books and films to help you read and watch around the subject.

1. Text Books

Reaction and Revolution: Russia, 1894-1924 (Access to History)

by Michael Lynch

Edexcel GCE History: Russia in Revolution, 1881-1924: From Autocracy to Dictatorship

by Mr Derrick Murphy

AS Level History - Russia in Revolution Unit 1 D3 Complete Revision & Practice

by CGP Books

The Russian Revolution: Tsarism to Bolshevism, 1861-1924 (Longman History in Depth)

by Graham Darby

2. Additional Reading

The History of the Russian Revolution

Leon Trotsky

Lenin: A Biography

Robert Service

Russian Revolution

Richard Pipes

A People’s Tragedy

Orlando Figes

Ten Days that Shook the World

John Reed

3. Novels

The Case of Comrade Tulayev

Victor Serge

Doctor Zhivago

Boris Pasternak

4. Films

Battleship Potemkin

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